Habsburg Digital: The digital publication series

The digital publication series “Habsburg Digital” of the ÖGE 18 intends to make available monographical studies electronically on the Internet. The long-term availability as well as stable reference of the publication are guaranteed by the cooperation with the long time archiving system of the university of Vienna “Phaidra”.

About Phaidra

Within Phaidra each publication receives a permanent link and cannot be changed or removed like any other printed publication. As a continual data pool the data archived in Phaidra can be accessed worldwide, without barriers and time limits. The monograph is stored in Phaidra in such kind that the whole monograph as well as single pages are quotable and can be downloaded as a PDF or JPG file.

To search the content

An essential advantage of the electronic publication series is the possibility to search the content. Every monograph contains to the better use of the electronic publication a personal register, local register and subregister. The information of page numbers is consciously forgone, because the book can be searched result-orientated by using the “Search” function of your PDF programme or by using the key combination “Cmd” and “f”. With regard to the subregister it must be pointed out that it concerns merely a list of the most important catchwords. The electronic availability of the text enables the user to comb the text with the help of individual chosen words.

Library Catalogues

The bibliographical data of each volume of the series is catalogued by the library of the university of Vienna and thus the series is  traceable not only by using different search engines.


If you are interested in the publication of a book in the series “Habsburg Digital”, please submit a copy to the president of the society PD Dr. Thomas Wallnig (thomas.wallnig@univie.ac.at). All items are peer-reviewed.

Published until now [German]