Welcome to the website of the Austrian Society for the Study of the 18th Century. The ÖGE 18 sees itself as an exchange forum and publication platform for 18th century research into Austrian history. It endeavours to promote contact between disciplines, between nations and between the general and academic public.
Ankündigung: Geschichte-am-Mittwoch-Programm Sommersemester 2024
295. Institutsseminar des IfÖG: M. Verga, Was ich beim Schreiben der Biographie Maria Theresias gelernt habe | Wien | 13. Januar 2025, 17 Uhr c.t.
Vortrag B. Stimmer “Schullandschaften im Wandel: Galizien und Westpreußen nach der Ersten Teilung Polen-Litauens (1772)” | Wien | 13.01.2025