GAM-Vortrag von J.D.Burson „The Quest for Deeper Origins of Enlightenment…“ am 12.6.2024 in Wien

Die ÖGE 18 lädt herzlich ein zum Vortrag von Jeffrey D. Burson (Statesboro/Georgia Southern University)

„The Quest for Deeper Origins of Enlightenment: Perspectives on the Entanglement of Humanism, Confessional Dispute, and Early Modern Globalization.“

Der in Kooperation mit Geschichte am Mittwoch organisierte Vortrag findet am 12. Juni um 18:30 im Hörsaal 30 der Universität Wien statt.
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This lecture will highlight, place into dialog, and underscore the importance of recent scholarship stressing the continuities among the scholarly practices and preoccupations characteristic of the sixteenth, seventeenth centuries, and eighteenth centuries. In this way, and with a special focus on Jesuit scholarship, the transpositions and transformations of humanist erudition, its increasingly global remit, and the endurance of confessional disputation will enter into consideration as vital to the entangled origins of Enlightenment in the eighteenth century.

Zum Vortragenden:

Jeffrey D. Burson is a historian who specializes in Early Modern and Modern French History, the Enlightenment, Enlightenment Catholicism, and the age of Revolutions. He is the author of two monographs: The Culture of Enlightening: Abbé Claude Yvon and the Entangled Emergence of the Enlightenment (University of Notre Dame Press, 2019), and The Rise and Fall of Theological Enlightenment: Jean-Martin de Prades and Ideological Polarization in Eighteenth-Century France (University of Notre Dame Press, 2010). He is also the editor of three other books including The Skeptical Enlightenment: Doubt and Certainty in the Age of Reason (Oxford University Studies of Enlightenment, 2019), with Anton M. Matytsin; The Jesuit Suppression in Global Context: Causes, Events, and Consequences (Cambridge University Press, 2015), with Jonathan A. Wright, and Enlightenment and Catholicism in Europe: A Transnational History (University of Notre Dame Press, 2014), with Ulrich L. Lehner. Beyond his books, he is the author of numerous articles and chapters, and his work has appeared in French Historical Studies, French History, Refléxions historiques. the Journal of Jesuit Studies, Intellectual History Review, and the Journal of the Western Society for French History.

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