CFP: Digitizing Enlightenment II (June 2017, deadline 15 Feb 2017)

CFP Digitizing Enlightenment II
15-16 June 2017

Radboud University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) in cooperation with the Dutch-Belgian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Werkgroep 18e eeuw)


Deadline: 15 Feb 2017

Scholars of the Enlightenment are currently developing some of the most innovative and transformative digital humanities projects in the field. These have included both established and internationally recognized projects such as Electronic Enlightenment; Mapping the Republic of Letters; the French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe (FBTEE); and the ARTFL Encyclopédie project; as well as newer initiatives such as the Reassembling the Republic of Letters COST Action and the Middlebrow Enlightenment: Disseminating Ideas, Authors and Texts in Europe 1665 – 1820 (MEDIATE) project, all of which will be discussed at this symposium.

The symposium – the second in a series of yearly symposia to be held at various venues (the first was held at Western Sydney University in July 2016) – will provide an opportunity for leaders, key participants and early stage researchers on these and more recent digital humanities initiatives to enter into a dialogue with each other and the wider academic community about the ways in which their projects have transformed, and will continue to transform research practice, pedagogy and academic understandings in eighteenth-century studies and beyond.

We invite paper proposals for the following themed conference sessions:

  1. Session One: Projects, Concepts and Technologies
  2. Session Two: Beyond the Eighteenth Century 
  3. Session Three: Sustainability, Strategic Partnerships, and Funding
  4. Session Four: Publishing in the Age of Digital Humanities
  5. Closing Round Table: Visions and Revisions

Confirmed speakers for the Digitizing Enlightenment symposium include:

  • Gregory Brown (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, University of Nevada)
  • Simon Burrows and Jason Ensor (FBTEE, Western Sydney University)
  • Marie Louise Coolahan (RECIRC, NUI Galway)
  • Howard Hotson (Reassembling the Republic of Letters, University of Oxford)
  • Marjan Lefferts (Consortium of European Research Libraries)
  • Alicia Montoya (MEDIATE, Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • Robert Morrissey (ARTFL, University of Chicago)
  • Glenn Roe (Electronic Enlightenment, Australian National University)
  • Mark Towsey (Community Libraries network, University of Liverpool)

Please submit your paper proposal (300 words + short bio-bibliographical statement) by February 15, 2017, to both Alicia Montoya, and Simon Burrows,

It is expected that papers from the symposium will form the backbone of a peer-reviewed book and / or hybrid publication.

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