Call for Participation: Workshop “Prosopographical data modeling, Digital Habsburg Platform II”, Deadline: May 28, 2021

Dear colleagues,

on 10.6.2021 and 11.6.2021 the next ACDH-CH Tool Gallery 7.1. takes place online via Zoom, focusing on „Prosopographical Data Modeling, Digital Habsburg Platform 2“.

Matthias Schlögl (VieCPro, ACDH-CH), Daniel Jeller (NAMPI), Victor de Boer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Jouni Tuominen (University of Helsinki) discuss the interoperability of prosopographical data and modeling on June 10, from 3pm. On June 11, from 9.15 am, practical workshops take place on the interoperability of prosopographical data.

Further Information and registration at

This ACDH-CH Tool Gallery is also the second part of the “Digital Habsburg Platform” workshop (

Please note that there are two registration points for this event, for Day 1 (June 10, from 3pm) and Day 2 (June 11, from 9.15 am). It is recommended to attend both events.

You can register for the Round Table on 10 June from 3pm here: Registration is open until 9 June 2021.

You can register for the practical workshops on 11 June from 9.15 am here:

Attention! For organisational reasons, we kindly ask you to register by 28 May 2021.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

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