CFP: ANZSECS and David Nichol Smith Seminar XVIII 2022 “Marine Worlds of the Long Eighteenth Century”

The Australian and New Zealand Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ANZSECS) invites you to the 18th David Nichol Smith (DNS) Seminar, 7-9 December 2022, hosted by the Australian Catholic University in a blended mode and convened from Melbourne.

DNS XVIII 2022 | Marine Worlds of the Long Eighteenth Century

Marine Worlds of the Long Eighteenth Century. The Australian and New Zealand Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and the Australian Catholic University invite you to the 18th David Nichol Smith (DNS) Seminar for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Inaugurated in 1966 by the National Library of Australia, the DNS is the leading forum for eighteenth-century studies in Australasia.

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