Open: Electing the new ISECS Executive Committee till 3.6.2019

Hiermit möchte der ÖGE 18 Vorstand ein jedes Mitglied der ÖGE 18 zur Wahl aufrufen. Zwei ehemalige Obmänner der ÖGE 18 stehen als Kandidaten zur Verfügungl. Erneut stellt sich Prof. Wolfgang Schmale zur Wahl. Er ist seit 2015 als Generalsekretär im ISECS Executive Committee tätig. Dieses Mal betrifft es den Posten des Vize-Präsidenten. Darüber hinaus hat auch Prof. Harald Heppner, der Organisator des 18. Jh. Weltkongresses in Graz 2011 , seine Kandidatur als eines der acht Mitglieder des Beirats bekanntgegeben.

Das “Wie” entnehmen Sie bitte der folgenden Email von Nelson Guilbert, ISECS Kommunikationssekretär. Bei Problemen können Sie sich auch gerne an unseren Obmann Thomas Wallnig oder auch an unsere Webmasterin Marion Romberg wenden.

DEADLINE: 3. Juni 2019

Dear Member of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS), 

Electronic voting to elect the next ISECS Executive Committee during the International Congress in Edinburgh in July 2019 is now open. ISECS offers the notable opportunity to vote safely online using your account in the ISECS directory. All ISECS members whose name is listed in the directory have the right to vote, either by post or electronically. Please note that voting cannot be done by proxy or in person at the congress. If you prefer not to vote electronically, your national society (and not the ISECS secretariat) will supply you with a mail-in ballot; every member in good standing of a national society of eighteenth-century studies is also a de facto member of ISECS.  

Voting online

To vote online, visit the following link: ISECS 2019 Online Elections. Brief descriptions of each candidate have been posted on the ISECS website: 2019-2023 ISECS Executive Committee Candidates.  

Your ISECS password

To vote, you will need your ISECS directory username and password. You should have been sent this information at the time you were added to the ISECS directory, in an email titled “Bienvenue dans le répertoire de la SIEDS / Welcome to the ISECS directory”. 
If you have lost your password, you can be sent a new one by following this link: Password recovery. Enter your email address (the same email address this message is being sent to) and click “Submit”, and you will be sent an email with your username, and a link to obtain a new password. 

For assistance, or if you have any questions or request concerning password recovery or online voting, please contact Nelson Guilbert ( 

Postal and electronic voting will conclude on June 3, 2019

Best wishes,
Nelson Guilbert
ISECS Communications Secretary 

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