CfP: The Congress of Vienna and its Global Dimension. 2014
Call for Proposals:
The Congress of Vienna and its Global Dimension

International congress commemorating the bicentenary of the Congress of Vienna 1814-1815
Homage to Manfred Kossok (1930-1993)
Vienna (Austria), 18-22 September 2014
This international conference is convened by the Association of Latin American and Caribbean Historians (ADHILAC), kindly hosted by the VHS Wiener Urania, and organized by the Society of Continental American and Caribbean Studies of the KonaK Vienna in cooperation with the Austrian State Archives, the Center for Inter-American Studies (University of Graz), the Department of History (University of Klagenfurt), the Department of History (University of Havana), the Department of Iberian and Latin American History (University of Cologne), the Department of Political Science (University of Salzburg), and the Society for the History of the World System (VGWS).
Deadline for CfP: December 31, 2013
Congress website:
More information on topic, requirements, etc. download the PDF version of the Call for proposals or click below:
CFP: ISECS International Seminar for early-career researchers
ISECS International Seminar for early-career researchers
Martin Mulsow (Universität Erfurt), 26–30 August 2013
Call for Papers
The International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS) invites applications from scholars in all fields of eighteenth-century studies within the context of a one-week International Seminar for Young Eighteenth-Century Scholars.
Formerly the East-West Seminar, this event brings together each year young researchers from a number of countries. In 2013, the meeting will take place in Gotha (Germany) and will be organized by the German Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (DGE18J) and the Research Center Gotha.
The Seminar will be held from Monday August 26th to Friday August 30th 2013 in Gotha, under the direction of Martin Mulsow (Universität Erfurt).
This year, the theme of the seminar will be:
Exploring the Early Modern Underground: Freethinkers, Heretics, Spies
ISECS Seminar, Halle - 26.-30. August 2013
Call for Panel: Tolerant Europe, Amsterdam 06/2013
Call for Contribution:
Tolerant Europe:
Inclusions, exclusions and minorities and the construction of Europe.
Panel at the XX International Conference of Europeanists
Amsterdam, The Netherlands • 25-27 June 2013
Organisator: Matthey D’Auria, Member of the Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe (Website)
Application: If you would like to present a paper (max 15 minutes), please send an abstract in English (max 300 words), including a suitable title and a short biography by 1 October 2012 to Giuseppe Foscari (University of Salerno) or to Matthew D’Auria (University of Salerno) Please note that the working language is English.
Content of Panel (website)
Some of the most important cultural, social and intellectual changes taking place in eighteenth-century Europe are tied to the shift occurring in the notion of ‘tolerance’. Importantly, during the century, from an essentially religious concept tolerance also became a political and cultural one – as proven by Usbeck’s remarks or Vico’s writings – a shift, for example, captured in the German world by Mendelssohn. All of the foremost thinkers of the age, from Spinoza to Locke, from Voltaire to Montesquieu, to Toland, Giannone and Lessing, wrote on the concept and some campaigned for more tolerant policies. The plethora of writings on the idea of tolerance was accompanied by the proclamation of the Toleration Act (1689), the Toleranzpatent by Joseph II (1781) and the 1787 edit by Louis XVI. To an extent, this confirms the growing importance, beyond intellectual circles, of the notion.
However, while the concept of tolerance represented an important step forward in the development of Europe, the idea itself was not without ambiguities. In fact, ‘tolerance’ was and is a ‘negative’ concept inasmuch as it accepts a lesser evil – the existence of a different and often inferior ‘other’ – to a greater evil – the eruption of overt social and political conflicts. From this angle it might be argued that the idea of tolerance hides processes of inclusion and exclusion and creation of borders, identities, and hierarchies. On such processes, and on the ambiguities of tolerance as a technique of power, scholars still need to shed light.
Although the eighteenth-century notion has received much attention, few studies focus on how ‘tolerance’ influenced the feeling of ‘Europeanness’ and how and to what an extent it was construed as a peculiar trait of the European world – at once an element to be proud of and, at times, the mark of a supposed European ‘superiority’. The present panel tries to address precisely such an issue, highlighting the close relationship between the way Europe imagined itself and the development of the notion of religious, political and cultural tolerance – as an hallmark of ‘progress’ as well as one of the greatest achievements of the European mind. There is in fact much to be said on the relationship between the relationship between the notion of tolerance and the idea of Europe, not lastly because even the latter refers to process of inclusions and exclusions – processes it tries to defuse and control. From this angle, the parallel between the hidden aspects of ‘tolerance’ and the ‘dark side’ of Europe might be particularly seminal.
The time-span considered is the so-called long eighteen century (roughly 1680-1789). Original work by cultural, political, social intellectual and art historians is welcome.
CFP: Jahrestagung der DGEJ 2013
Call for Paper
Präsenz und Evidenz fremder Dinge im Europa des 18. Jahrhunderts
der „Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhundert“
9.- 11. September 2013
Tagungsort: Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
Beschreibung: siehe PDF-File (english & deutsch)
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Birgit Neumann (Universität Passau - Anglistik - Cultural and Media Studies)
ABSTRACTS von ca. 200 Wörtern werden bis zum 1. Oktober 2012 erbeten an:
CFP: Global Exchange, CSESC, Alberta, Okt. 2012
18-20 OCTOBER 2012
“The Cultures of Global Exchange” seeks papers investigating what happens when cultures meet in the eighteenth century. Many historians now trace the origins of modern globalization to the eighteenth century, pointing to the global circulation of goods, labour, and information as its defining feature. By focusing on the nature of cross-cultural exchange, the conference will pursue the significance of framing the century within the terms of a nascent globalized world.We invite proposals that investigate cultural exchanges in a range of fields, including but not limited to history, literature, visual culture, geography, economics, anthropology and area studies. Investigations of transcultural crossings could address dialogues between Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Levant, India, China and the South Pacific. Especially welcome are papers on the topic of cultural encounters between Europeans and Western Canadian First Nationspeoples.
Plenary Speakers:
- Srinivas Aravamudan, Duke University
- David Bell, Princeton University
Possible topics include:
- the material history of global traffic
- translation histories
- the culture of mobility
- information/scholarly networks
- theories of globalization
- travel writing
- eighteenth-century empires
- ideas of difference
- trans-cultural versus cross-cultural
- literary circulations
- representations of cross-cultural encounters
- cultural and commercial trade routes
- spaces of intellectual exchange
As is traditional in CSECS, proposals not on the conference theme will also be considered.
Mail: Katherine Binhammer, CSECS
Department of English and Film
3-5 Humanities, U of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T5G 2E5
ISECS Seminar, Bloomington (USA) - 2-7 Juli 2012
Enlightenment Liberties
ISECS International Seminar for early-career researchers
Indiana University, Bloomington (USA), 2-7 July 2012
With the patronage of the Société Française d’Etude du XVIIIe siècle (SFEDS) and the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS)
Organisers : Guillaume Ansart (IUB), Catriona Seth (Nancy Université)
« Liberty or death », « Liberty, equality, fraternity », many revolutionary slogans put the conquest of liberty at the top of the list of citizens’ vindications. This was the culmination of a trend under way throughout the century and which sought for freedom in various fields. Free mores, freedom to worship, liberty of expression – « Without the liberty to condemn, there is no flattering praise », as Figaro stated –, Liberty of conscience, Freedom of Spirit, Free trade, Free circulation, but also poetic licenses, franchises and immunities are some of the liberties which were debated during the Enlightenment. Questions were raised regarding the confinement of prisoners, as well as of the sick or the insane, but also concerning the imprisonment of women in often arranged or even forced marriages. The value of moral, ecclesiastical or civil censorship was debated. European lives and those of the people of America, Africa, Asia or Oceania were considered in parallel to try and determine who was actually free: natural man or the citizen whose actions were protected by an enlightened regime. We invite proposals regarding all these approaches to enlightenment liberties, without excluding any field or method.
The International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS) invites applications from scholars in all fields of eighteenth-century studies within the context of this one-week residential seminar. The seminar is limited to 15 participants. The proposals (approx. 2 pages, single-spaced) should be based on an original research project (e.g. a doctoral dissertation) that deals with an aspect of the theme mentioned above. Because this is a seminar rather than a conference, each participant will be given approximately one hour to present the texts and questions which will then form the basis of a group discussion.
Preference will be given to scholars who are at the beginning of their academic career (PhD or equivalent obtained after 2006). The official languages are French and English.
Applications should include the following information:
- a brief curriculum vitae with date of PhD (or equivalent) and indication of the candidate’s proficiency in foreign languages.
- a list of principal publications and scholarly presentations.
- a brief description of the proposed paper (approx. 2 pages, single-spaced).
We invite submission of proposals; the deadline is February 1st 2012. Applications should be emailed to both organizers ( and
Candidates must also arrange for a letter of recommendation by a tenured colleague who knows their work to be emailed directly to both organizers ( and
Travel and Accommodation
Board and lodging will be provided by the organizers. According to funding, it may be possible to contribute to travel expenses for colleagues who are not financed by their home institutions.
As is the case each year, the proceedings of the seminar will be published.
CFP: Transformation in European History, GRACEH 2012, Vienna
Transformation in European History
Preconditions – Processes – Perceptions
6th Annual Graduate Conference in European History (GRACEH), Vienna, May 3–5, 2012
organized by the University of Vienna (Universität Wien, Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
in cooperation with the Central European University (CEU), Budapest and the European University Institute (EUI), Florence
The “transicion” of political systems in Southern Europe and Latin America since the 1970s and the revolutionary changes in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989/91 have resulted in the rise of “transformation studies” in social sciences. The term transformation is commonly understood as the politically steered transition from communist dictatorship to democracy, from a planned to a market economy, and from a closed to an open society. In contrast to this teleological reading the 6th GRACEH conference intends to explore a historical approach to transformation. A very broad working definition of the term would characterize transformation as a “period of especially intense and accelerated structural changes on a political, social, economic, and cultural level” that were caused by major political and social upheavals such as the breakdown of the continental empires in 1918, the French Revolution in the late 18th century, or the Reformation. Unlike the social sciences, we wish to broaden the application as far back as to the beginning of modern age. In what way can this concept of transformation be applied to contemporary, modern and early modern contexts? What kind of adjustments of the concept are required for the historicization of transformation?
The following three key aspects will serve as guiding questions throughout the conference:
- Which preconditions lead to periods of transformation? Which triggers, causes and turning points can be identified?
- On which levels does transformation occur? How can the complexity of transformation processes be analyzed without being trapped in teleological assumptions?
- How is transformation perceived and interpreted by internal and external observers? How do transformation discourses influence the process itself?
CFP: ISECS International Seminar for early-career researchers
ISECS International Seminar for early-career researchers
Indiana University, Bloomington (USA), 2-7 July 2012
with the patronage of the Société Française d’Etude du XVIIIe siècle (SFEDS) and the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS)
Organisers: Guillaume Ansart (IUB), Catriona Seth (Nancy Université)
Enlightenment Liberties
« Liberty or death », « Liberty, equality, fraternity », many revolutionary slogans put the conquest of liberty at the top of the list of citizens’ vindications. This was the culmination of a trend under way throughout the century and which sought for freedom in various fields. Free mores, freedom to worship, liberty of expression – « Without the liberty to condemn, there is no flattering praise », as Figaro stated –, Liberty of conscience, Freedom of Spirit, Free trade, Free circulation, but also poetic licenses, franchises and immunities are some of the liberties which were debated during the Enlightenment. Questions were raised regarding the confinement of prisoners, as well as of the sick or the insane, but also concerning the imprisonment of women in often arranged or even forced marriages. The value of moral, ecclesiastical or civil censorship was debated. European lives and those of the people of America, Africa, Asia or Oceania were considered in parallel to try and determine who was actually free: natural man or the citizen whose actions were protected by an enlightened regime. We invite proposals regarding all these approaches to enlightenment liberties, without excluding any field or method.
CFP: Séminaire international SIEDS des jeunes dix-huitiémistes
Séminaire international SIEDS des jeunes dix-huitiémistes
Indiana University, Bloomington (USA), 2-7 juillet 2012
avec le patronage de la Société Française d’Etude du XVIIIe siècle (SFEDS) et de l’American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS)
Organisateurs : Guillaume Ansart (IUB), Catriona Seth (Nancy Université)
Les Libertés des Lumières
« La liberté ou la mort », « Liberté, égalité, fraternité », plusieurs des slogans révolutionnaires mettent la conquête de la liberté en tête des revendications du citoyen. Il s’agit de la culmination d’un mouvement engagé au cours du siècle, qui interroge les libertés dans différents domaines. Liberté des mœurs, Liberté du culte, Liberté d’expression – « Sans la liberté de blâmer, il n’est pas d’éloge flatteur », rappelle Figaro –, Liberté de conscience, Liberté d’esprit, Liberté de commerce, Liberté de circulation, mais aussi les licences poétiques, les franchises et immunités sont au nombre des Libertés débattues au siècle des Lumières. On assiste à des interrogations sur l’enfermement des prisonniers, mais aussi des malades ou des fous, ainsi que des femmes dans des unions souvent arrangées ou même forcées. On débat de la valeur des censures morales, ecclésiastiques ou civiles. On met en relation la vie européenne et celle de peuples d’Amérique, d’Afrique, d’Asie ou d’Océanie, pour tenter de déterminer qui est véritablement libre : l’homme naturel ou celui dont le régime éclairé protège les agissements. Ce sont toutes ces approches des libertés des Lumières que nous invitons à envisager, sans exclusive de discipline, ni d’angle d’étude.
WS: 18th c. Crossroads in Ottoman Studies (Budapest, 26.-.28.5)

International Workshop
Eighteenth-Century Crossroads in Ottoman Studies: Negotiating Communal, State, and Moral Boundaries
Central European University (Budapest), 26-28 May, 2011
The multi-disciplinary, international workshop on “Eighteenth-Century Crossroads in Ottoman Studies: Negotiating Communal, State, and Moral Boundaries” will take place at Central European University from 26 to 28 May 2011. This workshop has been organized and supported by scholars from CEU (Dr. Tolga U. Esmer), Bilgi University (Dr. Başak Tuğ), and Columbia University (Dr. Christine Philliou). Participants from all over the world representing the fields of Ottoman, Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European, as well as Middle Eastern History will come together to disciplinary and regional gaps in this overlooked period.
For the program and more information about this workshop, its goals, and its participants, please visit our website at:
For more information about joining this research group, please contact: Tolga U. Esmer
Programm committee:
- Dr. Tolga U. Esmer (Assistant Professor, Central European University)
- Dr. Başak Tuğ (Assistant Professor, Bilgi University)
- Dr. Christine Philliou (Assistant Professor, Columbia University)
ISECS WAHLEN: vom 2. Mai bis 15. Juni 2011
Seitens der ÖGE 18 kandidiert unser Obmann Prof. Wolfgang Schmale.
Wichtige Information:
- Wahlberechtigt: Mitglieder der ÖGE 18 (Stichtag: 31.12.2010)
- Wahl: online oder postalisch
- Kurzbiographien der Kandidaten =>
Schritte der online Wahl:
- Registrierung auf bei ISECS-direct vor dem 2. Mai 2011. WICHTIG: Email-Adresse hinterlegen! => ODER überprüfen Sie Ihre Mitgliedsdaten bei ISECS direct unter:
- Am 2. Mai werden detaillierte Instruktionen zur Wahl sowie ein Passwort an alle online registrierte Mitglieder via Email verschickt.
- Ende der Wahl am 15. Juni 2011
Schritte der Briefwahl:
- Wahlunterlagen wurden per Mitgliedschreiben vom 15.4.2011 an alle ÖGE 18 Mitglieder versandt. HINWEIS: Die Unterlagen können aber auch im online Archiv der ÖGE 18 Website im Mitgliederbereich oder direkt auf der ISECS Website heruntergeladen werden.
- Den Stimmzettel in einen unbeschriebenen Briefumschlag stecken.
- Diesen verschlossenen Briefumschlag nochmals in einen Briefumschlag legen und diesen dann an folgende Adresse schicken: ISECS Secretariat / ISECS 2011 Elections; 99 Branbury Road; Oxford OX26JX; United Kingdom
- WICHTIG: Als Absender den Mitgliedsnamen ausweisen, da dieser mit dem Wahlregister gegengeprüft wird.
- Deadline: 15. Juni 2011
Alle Schritte können als PDF Datei unter folgenden Link nochmals heruntergeladen werden:
CfP: Tagung in Wittenberg vom 3./4. Juni 2011
Vernunft, Religionen, Volksglauben in der Aufklärung: Wissenszirkulation und Öffentlichkeit in den deutschsprachigen Gebieten
Religionskritik, Kritik an bestimmten Praxen der Volksfrömmigkeit und am Aberglauben sind zentrale Felder des gesamteuropäischen wie deutschen Aufklärungsdiskurses. Die Frage, wie sich das Wissen in diesem Bereich verbreitet, wie Kritik konkret die Öffentlichkeit erreicht, wie staatliche und klerikale Instanzen versuchen, hierauf Einfluss zu nehmen, ist in vielen Bereichen aber deutlich weniger untersucht. Der (ursprünglich in Analogie zum Blutkreislauf gedachte) Begriff der Wissenszirkulation kann hier womöglich eine Perspektive eröffnen, in der sich literaturwissenschaftliche und neuere kulturwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen (Buch- und Druckgeschichte, Mediengeschichte, Erforschung intellektueller Netzwerke) miteinander verknüpfen lassen. Die Tagung fragt unter anderem danach:
- Wie entsteht im 18. Jahrhundert das Wissen von kulturellen Praxen der Volksfrömmigkeit (z.B. Reiseberichte, Bilder, Legenden), wie zirkuliert solches Wissen unter den ‘Betroffenen’ (Bauernalmanache, mündliche Traditionen) ?
- Wie bildet sich ein Austausch kritischer Argumente und wie werden sie öffentlich (z.B. Publikationsstrategien, Verlage, Geheimbuchhandel), welche Debatten bilden sich (Pro- und Contra-Publikationen, spektakuläre Ereignisse als deren Auslöser) ?
- Welche Rolle spielen hier die unterschiedlichen deutschsprachigen Regionalkulturen? (unterschiedliche Publikationslandschaften bei unterschiedlichen religiösen Bindungen und/oder staatlicher Organisation, deutschsprachige Drucke außerhalb des eigentlichen Reiches)
- Wie sehen die Versuche aus, die Zirkulation von Wissen und Kritik zu verhindern oder zu erschweren (Zensur, Publikationsverbote) und wie werden sie ggf. unterlaufen (anonyme, apokryphe Publikationen, halböffentliche Diskussionsformen in Briefwechseln, Lesegesellschaften, Kaffeehäusern, Salons)?
- Wie wird über nicht-christliche Religionen, wie über Aberglauben, wie über Formen der Andersgläubigkeit berichtet ?
- Wie zirkulieren Formen grundsätzlicher Religionskritik?
Die Fragestellung soll ausdrücklich auf die gesamte deutschsprachige Kultur der Zeit bezogen sein, insofern sind auch Vortragsangebote etwa zur Situation in der Schweiz oder in der Habsburger-Monarchie erwünscht.
Vortragsangebote (max. 30 min.) in deutscher oder französischer Sprache werden erbeten an:
- Prof. Françoise Knopper, Université de Toulouse Le Mirail (fa.knopper@
- Prof. Thomas Bremer, Universität Halle (thomas.bremer@
Deadline für Vorschläge (ca. 1 Seite): 31. Januar 2011
Vorschläge im Kontext laufender Dissertations- und Habilitationsprojekte sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Eine Publikation der Vorträge ist beabsichtigt.
WEB: Peter Forsskål "Gedanken über die Bürgerfreiheit"

Siehe auch Web-Ressourcen zum 18. Jahrhundert und vieles mehr
Congrès Mondial du CISH (25–26. Aug. 2010)
- La Révolution et son contexte global
- Dimensions d’une histoire transnationale de la Révolution française
- Historiographie
Das vorläufige Programm der Tagung kann als PDF hier oder auf der Website von CISH heruntergeladen werden.
CFP: The Stimulated Body and the Arts (17-18 February 2011)
The Stimulated Body and the Arts: The Nervous System and Nervousness in the History of Aesthetics
Wellcome funded International Interdisciplinary Conference 17-18 February 2011
DEADLINE: 31 July 2010
The organisers are
- Dr James Kennaway
- Professor Holger Maehle
- Dr Lutz Sauerteig
- Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease Durham University
This international interdisciplinary conference will be held on the 17-18 February 2011 at the Hatfield College, Durham, UK
Keynote Speaker will be Professor George Rousseau.
This conference will discuss the history of the relationship between aesthetics and medical understandings of the body. Today’s vogue for neurological accounts of artistic emotions has a long pedigree. Since G.S.
Rousseau’s pioneering work underlined the importance of models of the nervous system in eighteenth-century aesthetics, the examination of physiological explanations in aesthetics has become a highly productive field of interdisciplinary research. Drawing on this background, the conference aims to illuminate the influence that different medical models of physiology and the nervous system have had on theories of aesthetic experience. How have aesthetic concepts (for instance, imagination or
genius) be grounded medically? What effect did the shift from animal spirits to modern neurophysiology have on aesthetics?
The medical effects of culture were not always regarded as positive. The second focus of the conference will be the supposed ability of excessive reading, music and so on to ‘over-stimulate’ nerves and cause nervousness, mental and physical illness, homosexuality and even death.
It will consider questions regarding the effects of various theories of neuropathology and psychopathology on the concept of pathological culture. What kinds of culture could lead to such over-stimulation? How was this medical critique of culture related to moral objections and changes in gender relations, politics and society? How was it linked to medical concern about lack of attention and willpower?
This interdisciplinary conference brings together scholars working in a wide range of fields, including not only the history of medicine but also in subjects such as art history, languages and musicology.
Abstracts for 20-minute papers (maximum 250 words) should be submitted electronically to the organisers by 31 July 2010 at the following address:
CFP: Workshop Glaubenskultur der Unterschichten, April 2010
Projet de formation et de recherche Raison, religions, croyances populaires : les débats entre savants dans l’espace culturel germanophone aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.
Lehr- und Forschungsprojekt Vernunft, Religionen, populäre Religiosität: die Debatten im deutschsprachigen Raum des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts
Lyon, 10. April 2010 von 10 Uhr bis 18 Uhr
Veranstalter: CIERA - Centre interdisciplinaire d’enseignement et de recherche sur l’Allemagne, Paris / Université Lumière, Lyon, Université Champagne - Ardennes, Reims, Université Toulouse le Mirail
Kontakt: Wolfgang Fink (Université Lumière Lyon 2, Departement d'Etdues Allemandes,
Deadline: 15. März 2010
Profil: Vor dem Abschluss stehende Promotions- oder Habilitationsprojekte
Beitrag: Vorstellung des Forschungsprojekts und seiner Ergebnisse (30 Minuten) mit anschließender Diskussion (30 Minuten) in deutscher oder französischer Sprache
Einladung als PDF
Lesen Sie mehr... | Read more…Neue Formular für ISCES-Meeting in Kolding
Kolloquium am 27. August 2010
Die Formulare für die Einreichung und Anmeldung können hier in einer Zip-Datei in Englisch oder Französisch heruntergeladen werden.
Student Conference am 26. August 2010
Die Formulare für die Einreichung und Anmeldung können hier in einer Zip-Datei in Englisch oder Französisch heruntergeladen werden.
Call for Papers to the ISECS-EC meeting in Kolding, August 2010
Kolloquium am 27. August 2010
Für das Kolloquium werden bis zum 1. März 2010 Vorschläge für Vorträge angenommen. Thema des Kolloquiums ist „Joy and Laughter in the 18th Century“. Verantwortlich hierfür sind Thomas Bredsdorff, Søren Peter Hansen and Anne-Marie Mai. Sprache muss Englisch oder Französisch sein.
Die Formulare für die Einreichung und Anmeldung können hier in einer Zip-Datei in Englisch oder Französisch heruntergeladen werden.
Student Conference am 26. August 2010
Parallel zum Executive Meeting findet ebenfalls eine Student Conference am 26. August 2010 statt. Studenten und Studentinnen sind herzlich eingeladen hieran in Form einer Präsentation oder als Gast teilzunehmen. Die Deadline für die Einreichung der Vorschläge ist der 1. Mai 2010. Das Thema muss sich mit dem 18. Jahrhundert beschäftigen. Sprache ist Englisch oder Französisch.
Die Formulare für die Einreichung und Anmeldung können hier in einer Zip-Datei in Englisch oder Französisch heruntergeladen werden.
C-18 Mailing List
Die Mailinglist fungiert sowohl als Newsletter zu anstehenden Konferenzen, Preisen, Calls for Papers als auch als Diskussions- und Rechercheplattform. Jeder Interessierte kann sich anmelden unter:
Weitere nützliche Links zum 18. Jh. im Internet finden Sie auch unter Topographie > Web-Ressourcen auf dieser Website.
Weltkongress Website ist online!

ISECS International Seminar for Junior Scholars 2010
Interessierte sind aufgerufen, bis zum 11. Dezember 2009 ihren Vorschlag bei einzureichen.
Für mehr Information findet sich hier die gesamte Einladung: Englisch / Französisch
Call for Papers - Symposium in Brüssel (2-5.9.2009)

Die Académie Royale de Belgique und die Université Libre de Bruxelles veranstalten vom 2. bis 5. September 2009 im Palais des Académies (Rue Ducale) in Brüssel ein Symposium zum Leben und zu den Reisen des französischen Forschungsreisenden Nicolas Baudin (1754-1803).
ISECS International Seminar for Junior Scholars 2009
Gesamte Einladung in Englisch / Französisch