CFP: ISECS 2019, Edingburgh

Call for Paper für den 15th International Congress for Eighteenth Century Studies ist veröffentlicht. Das Generalthema ist “Enlightment”. Der Kongress findet vom 14-19. Juli 2019 in Edinburgh statt und wird von der britischen Schwestergesellschaft BSECS organisiert. 

Die ÖGE 18 bittet im Falle von Einreichungen um eine Benachrichtigung an unseren Obmann Thomas Wallnig (


——- CALL FOR PAPER (download) ———- 

The International Congress on the Enlightenment is the quadrennial meeting of the International Society for Eighteenth- Century Studies (ISECS) and the world’s largest meeting of specialists on all aspects of the eighteenth century. Recent ISECS congresses have been held in Los Angeles (2003), Montpellier (2007), Graz (2011), and Rotterdam (2015). The 15th ISECS Congress will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, from Sunday 14 July to Friday 19 July 2019. It is organized by the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS) and the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society (ECSSS), and hosted by the University of Edinburgh.

Enlightenment Identities

While proposals for papers, panels, and roundtables on any topic relevant to the long eighteenth century are welcome, we particularly invite contributions that address the theme of ‘Enlightenment Identities’. The question of ‘identity’ was much disputed in the eighteenth century, in ways ranging from the local, regional, colonial, national, federal, imperial, to the global. Identities are complex. They are forged by factors ranging from the personal to wider political, military, religious, intellectual, techno-scientific, cultural, ethnic, social, sexual, economic, class/caste, geographical, and historical contexts. The idea of Enlightenment was itself much debated. Given these interlocking complexities, ‘Enlightenment Identities’ constitutes an important theme for an international gathering in the Enlightenment city of Edinburgh, whose eighteenth- century denizens, like Adam Smith, were at once Scottish, British, and ‘citizens of the world’.

Call for Papers, Panels, and Roundtables

Proposals are invited for individual papers, preformed panels of three or four papers, and roundtables of between four and six participants. Proposals may be in English or French. The final deadline for submission of papers and panel proposals is Friday 1 February 2019. Submission is through the congress website at

More Information

Complete information about the congress, the city and university of Edinburgh, travel and accommodation, proposal submission, registration, the ISECS bursary programme, and all other details, can be found at the congress website at For any other queries, please email the organisers at:


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