This online-edition of SOG18 consists of representative “voices” which reflect the various perspectives to the main events and processes in South Eastern Europe during the »long« 18th century (late 17th to early 19th century). These processes include the various phenomena of enlightenment, of several kinds of migrations, changes of the political systems etc.
The reason of this program is to give some publicity the male and female contemporaries. The collection of texts or (painted, printed) pictures will give the opportunity to all people who are interested to understand better this era of transition as the prelude of the great »change of the world«.
Subject fields:
- Confessional coexistence and conflicts (New forms of tolerance and intolerance, problems of secularization, change of confession)
- Enlightenment discourses (Westernization, education need, “new” media, empiric research, secular ideas)
- Economic expansion and local response (Commercial and technic phenomena, new markets, local industry)
- Migration phenomena (New Minorities, new kinds of settlement and ethnic coexistence, confessional autonomy)
- War and Society (Militarization, the Turkish wars, life along the front and border line),
- Geopolitics (International relations, Cartography, the Balkans and the Eastern Question)
- Every Day Life News (New buildings, new styles, new experiences, allaturca and allaeuropea)
Instructions for the authors
- Every article must belong to one of the subject fields; otherwise it will be refused by the board
- The article must include the name of the author
- The article consists of the following parts:
- Introduction which points out the connection to the subject field (English)
- The source text (or selected parts of it in original language!) or a picture as „voice“
- A commentary to the text or picture (English)
- A short selected bibliography
- The article should have a volume between min. 5 and max. 10 pages (all inclusive)
- The article will be written only in Times New Roman letters (12pt) and 1,5-line spacing.
- The article (preferred in “Word”) has to be sent at not any other address than
- Each article will be proofed by the board. After finishing the redaction the article will be published (corresponding to the sog18-Newsletters) as an official publication at a special platform of University of Graz (open access).