Im Rahmen des Weltkongresses in Rotterdam wird das ISECS executive committee neu gewählt. Als Mitglied der ÖGE 18 fordern wir Sie auf von Ihrem Wahlrecht Gebrauch zu machen.
Dies ist imso wichtiger, als diesmal zwei Mitglieder unserer Gesellschaft für Funktionen in der ISECS zur Verfügung stehen:
Wolfgang Schmale für die Funktion des Generalsekretärs und Harald Heppner als Vorstandsmitglied.
Vom 13. April bis zum 8. Juni 2015 können Sie entweder online oder per postalisch Ihre Stimme abgeben. Im Falle einer brieflichen Abgabe der Stimme, bitten wir Sie mit dem Vorstand Kontakt aufnehmen.
Die Wahlaufforderung der ISECS finden Sie unten stehend sowie ein übersichtliche Darstellung des Wahlvorgangs können Sie hier herunterladen:
Dear Member of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS),
Electronic voting to elect the next ISECS executive committee during the international congress in Rotterdam in July 2015 will open April 13, 2015.
ISECS offers the notable opportunity to vote safely on line using your account in the ISECS-direct directory. All ISECS members whose name is listed in the directory as of March 27, 2015 have the right to vote, either by post or electronically. Please note that voting cannot be done by proxy or in person at the congress.
If you prefer not to vote electronically, your national society (and not the ISECS secretariat at the Voltaire Foundation) will supply you with a mail-in ballot; every member in good standing of a national society of eighteenth-century studies is also a de facto member of ISECS.
Voting on line
Brief descriptions of each candidate have been posted on the ISECS web site at the following address:
The voting procedure is as follows:
- Visit the ISECS-direct directory;
- Click on the ISECS Elections 2015 page (available April 13);
- Enter your ISECS-direct username and password, which should have been emailed to you upon the creation of your account;
- To register for voting, check the box “I wish to register for the 2015 ISECS election”, then click on “Registration”;
- Click on the names of your candidates, then click on “Vote” at the bottom of the page. Before forwarding your selections, make sure you did not choose too many candidates in each category. Note that once you click on “Vote”, your vote is registered and can no longer be changed.
If you have forgotten, or if you did not receive, your username or password, click “Help” on ISECS-direct for instructions.
For any questions concerning online voting, please contact Nelson Guilbert (
Postal and electronic voting will conclude on June 8, 2015.