Alle vier Jahren wird das Executive Committee der International Society for 18th Century Studies (ISECS) durch die Mitglieder aller 18. Jahrhundert-Gesellschaften neu gewählt. Jedes vollberechtigte Mitglied einer nationalen 18. Jahrhundert-Gesellschaft-ist de facto auch Mitglied der ISECS.
Die ÖGE 18 hatte in den vergangenen Amtsperioden des ISECS EC mit Wolfgang Schmale, Harald Heppner und Christoph Gnant prominente Vertreter in den Reihen des Executive Committee. Auch dieses Mal steht ein Mitglied der ÖGE 18 zur Wahl: Marion Romberg. Sie stellt sich zur Wahl als Elected Member, den Beisitzer*innen des ISECS Vorstands.
„… With her candidacy as an elected member, Marion intends to actively contribute to the implementation of ISECS agendas, particularly in the area of Digital Humanities and ISECS History.“
Excerpt from her ISECS Candidate Profile
Die Profile alle Kandidat*innen finden sich auf der ISECS-Website.
Alle ÖGE 18 Mitglieder, die im ISECS directory hinterlegt sind, können zwischen dem 6. März und 5. Mai 2023 entweder online oder per Post wählen.
1. Electronic balloting,
with secure passwords, will be available to all members whose profiles and email addresses are registered on the ISECS directory. The system for electronic balloting is open from March 6 to May 5, 2023. The following instructions for electronic balloting have been sent by email to each 18th century member on March 6 by the ISECS Communications Secretary.
Brief descriptions of each candidate have been posted on the ISECS website.
To vote online, visit the following link: ISECS 2023 Online Elections.
Your ISECS password
To vote, you will need your ISECS directory username and password.
If you have lost or forgotten your login information, there are two ways to recover it:
- Follow this link: Password recovery. Enter your email address (the same email address you got the aforementioned voting instructions) and click “Submit”, and you will be sent an email with your username, and a link to obtain a new password;
- Reply to this email (, and ask Nelson Guilbert to provide you with your login information. He should reply within a day or so.
For assistance, or if you have any questions or request concerning password recovery or online voting, please contact Nelson Guilbert or
The electronic ballot will close at midnight, Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5), on May 5, 2023.
2. Postal voting:
Members who do not wish to use electronic voting, or who are unable to do so, may obtain postal voting papers from the Secretary of their national society (ÖGE 18-Secretary When completed, postal voting papers must be placed in an unmarked sealed envelope inside the outer mailing envelope. The member’s full name, legibly written, and the name of the national society to which he or she belongs must appear on the outer envelope.
Postal voting opens on January 9, 2023. Postal ballots must reach the following address no later than May 5 2023:
Nelson Guilbert
ISECS Communications Secretary 4265 rue Savard app. 4 Trois-Rivières (Québec)
G8Y 2G4 Canada
All outer envelopes will be checked against the voting register at the first stage of the count. Any envelope that does not carry a member’s name, or that carries the name of someone not on the voting register, or that carries a surname only and the register lists more than one member with that surname, will be counted as void and the inner envelope will not be opened.
Ballot papers with identifying signs or with more names marked than there are posts to fill will be counted as void. Votes for non-candidates will be considered blank in so far as these votes are concerned, other portions of the ballot remaining valid.
Als Mitglied der ÖGE 18 fordern wir Sie auf von Ihrem Wahlrecht Gebrauch zu machen.
Bei Problemen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Vorstand.